When the evidence all around you screams that your one desire in life is impossible, sometimes its difficult to keep the faith in the universal laws of attraction.
But if you do, we promise you that your faith will not be misplaced. The Number One mistake people make when utilizing the universal law of attraction is giving in to external reality — the circumstances around them –that shout that what you’re aiming for is impossible.
All too often, individuals see the conditions in their environment and automatically give up on the law. They allow themselves to become frustrated. Little do they realize that the universal laws of attraction are still at work — even when they do become frustrated. Their frustration, you see, only attracts even more frustration.
This frustration and pessimism stems from a basic lack of faith in the law of attraction. It is understandable, of course, if you’ve never had the pleasure of putting the law to work for you. Society has conditioned us to think that the only way we can possibly believe something is to see it first.
The law of attraction, though, actually works backwards from what we would consider normal. You won’t see your desires or goals until you firmly believe they will become a reality. In essence, you’ll see it when you’ll believe it.
If you keep the faith, though, and keep believing that the laws of attraction are at work for you, then you’ll experience two exciting outcomes.
First; because your belief in the law never wavers, your desires will materialize sooner than you anticipated. And second, your staunch faith in the law of attraction allows you to confidently ignore the external evidence, no matter how loudly it might be screaming around you.
The universal laws of attraction are not only the amazing link to all of your dreams and desires, but these amazing laws can give you the confidence to ignore all the naysayers surrounding you.
Keeping the faith is, in the long run, a simply marvelous habit. When you believe in the universal laws of attraction, you’ll find that if you truly have faith in your dreams — if these are the things you sincerely want to manifest in your life — and you march confidently in their direction, the law of attraction will gladly conspire with you to make them materialize.
While the law may not use an overnight delivery service, it will indeed deliver, if you do your part too!
When you make a list of your desires, you’re basically telling the law of attraction that you’re serious about success. But that’s only half the battle in the game.
As you read over the list that you’ve expressly created, you need to bless it and allow it to be lifted up to the universe. Release your dreams and desires. Send them off so the universal laws of attraction may take them and mold them as pportunities to present themselves to you.
Even though they may be your very personal and very important goals, keep in mind that you’re passing them on to the infinite wisdom of the universe. You’re basically telling the universal law of attraction to do what needs to be done with these goals.
Don’t worry. don’t fret. Don’t fear. Because once you release your most precious dreams to the universe, the entire infinite potential and wisdom of all creation is working toward manifesting them just for you through the law of attraction. That’s right! The entire might of the world, nay, the entire universe is planning the best and quickest route to get these goals realized.
This means the universal law of attraction will have you bumping into people seemingly at random. But it wont be. You’ll find telephone numbers you’ll need to further your cause with greater ease. But that wont be an accident either. You’ll notice that you are getting to where you want to be, if you just take the cues.
Once you realize your goals, don’t be blind to coincidences. Once you realize your desires, take careful notice of who you meet and how willing they are to help you.
Indeed, the universal laws of attraction are the most powerful positive force you can have in your life. Use them wisely.