Family, food and good times! That is what the holidays are all about. What to do with all of that left over holiday food? Chances are that you and your family indulged in a few good meals; and you now have stacks of platic containers filled with leftovers. A good rule of thumb, do not let these great foods go to waste! Be creative and enjoy the flavors of the holidays for days to come.
Freezable, reusable containers come in extremely handy this time of year. Schedule another family get together in a couple weeks, and voila! All you will have to do is take the food out of the freezer and heat it up. In a simplified manner, you and your family can enjoy all of the awesome tastes, once again, that accompany the holiday season.
As your guests are departing; send a reusable container, with leftovers, right on out the door with your guests! This really is a no brainer when it comes to leftover holiday food. Not only will you be able to enjoy some of the tastes of the holidays, but your guests will also be able to savor the last few bites of the holidays. If you live in a warm climate, make sure the food will be transported home in a safe manner. Nobody enjoys a bout of food poisoning over the course of the holidays.
If you are like many other people, you will probably have to work a couple days over the holiday. Remember, leftovers make awesome lunch time meals at the office. Your meal at the office will be healthy and also very affordable. Holiday meals can provide a healthy alternative for your lunch while at the office. A nifty way to reuse that turkey is to toss a tortilla shell into your lunch box, along with turkey and stuffing. Warm the tortilla and then heat the turkey with dressing. This makes a great tasting wrap sandwich, with all of the flavor of the holidays!
One of the easiest ways to avoid the leftover issue, is to plan your menu for the number of people that are attending your holiday meal. We all get caught up in the buy, buy, buy mode and throw more than we need into our shopping carts. When we go armed with a list in hand, we tend to shop smart. In today’s tough economy, we all want the biggest bang for our buck. If you enjoy holiday leftovers, as well as leftovers at the office, plan your shopping list accordlingly. By planning for five extra people, you will have leftovers for a good week!
By shopping smart and arming yourself with some knowledge, your holiday leftovers will not become an issue. If a couple weeks have passed and you still have containers of leftovers in your refrigerator, toss them out! Treat this day as a day to clean out your refrigerator and alleviate all food bourne illnesses. A well stocked refrigerator is a lifesaver for many of us today. Keep the food fresh and healthy. Your family will thank you for not subjecting them to an outdated holiday meal! By practicing good hygiene and healthy habits in the kitchen, your leftover food will be enjoyed by many.