Laws, health, hygiene, Best Before, Use Before….Store this Product….Oh how my head aches! What happened to going into your local butcher, buying a joint, even some bacon and storing it in the Larder?
Politicians, Food experts all seem to forget that ‘some of us’ lived in the days when refridgeration was not the normal household appliance. All we had was a cool larder and used our SENSE OF SMELL. How many back in the 1950’s died of food poisoning? Even the 60’s….I will tell you not many.
We made cheese by hanging sour milk in old stockings (tights) outside the backdoor to extract the whey, stored vegetables in a cool dark place and our meat….was either hung or left for anything up to a month to ‘mature’ Were we sick? No! Eggs did not have a date stamped on every shell….we used the old method of if they floated don’t use. It is only today where there are so many ‘convenience’ foods, prepacked with additives that range from A – Z that sickness occurs. Hens treated for Salmonella, cattle imunised, crops sprayed and now even genetically modified thus lowering our own imune system that we have problems.
BEST BEFORE….means just that. Usually used on foods that last longer, such as frozen, dried or canned foods. It should be safe to eat food after the ‘best before’ date, but the food will no longer be at its best. After this date, the food might begin to lose its flavour and texture.
USE BY….You shouldn’t use any food or drink after the end of the ‘use by’ date shown on the label. Even if it looks and smells fine, using it after this date could put your health at risk and cause food poisoning.
You will usually find a ‘use by’ date on food that goes off quickly, such as milk, soft cheese, ready-prepared salads and smoked fish.
It’s also important to follow any storage instructions given on food labels, otherwise the food might not last until the ‘use by’ date. Usually food with a ‘use by’ date needs to be kept in the fridge.
Personally I exclude Cheese from the above. Soft Cheese…well comon sense has to come into play as it has more than likely been treated. But with hard cheeses…cut off the mould and enjoy.
EAT WITHIN DATES…Due to additives some food labels also give instructions such as ‘eat within a week of opening’ and it’s important to follow these instructions. But remember, if the ‘use by’ date is tomorrow, then you must use the food by the end of tomorrow, even if the label says ‘eat within a week of opening’ and you have only opened the food today.
FREEZING….This is a good way of preservation but pre-frozen foods should NEVER be re-frozen unless cooked first.
HOW LONG IN THE FREEZER? My daughter asked this question some time back when she came to dinner with her boyfriend. In truth I almost choked on my food. The Ham joint I had cooked was fresh from the Butchers about a year back. Properly wrapped and sealed had stood the test of time.
In theory, food could be safe to eat after years in the freezer, as long as it has stayed frozen during that time. But it may not be very nice to eat, because the taste and texture of food changes if it is frozen for too long.
Basically it is a case of using your own common sense. If you must buy prepack or readily prepared foods use them in the time indicated. If you shop and buy fresh you have a longer ‘shelf life’ when stored properly.