Do you prefer fast food or home cooking?

Do You Prefer Fast Food or Home Cooking

Even though there is a lot to be said about fast food, I would still prefer home cooking in the long run. Fast food is alright, if you lead a life that is so full and busy, that you do not always have time to prepare home cooked foods.

Many families have two working parents these days, and having a home cooked meal is a thing that is only done on a weekend basis, because the parents work until dinner time, and do not have the time, or energy, to come home and fix a full course meal for the family.

As to whether fast food is nutritious or not, is another question that you should ask yourself. With all the ingredients that are added to the food, which make them fast foods, I think a lot of the nutrition is taken out of the food while it is being prepared.

Fast foods have so many preservatives in them that enable them to keep while on the shelves, that I sometimes wonder if they are any good at all. Everything has been covered up with so many spices, and other ingredients, that the taste suffers, and is not even the same as fresh foods anymore.

When you make a meal from fresh meats and vegetables, you put in only the spices you want to enhance the taste of the food; therefore, your food does not loose all the nutrients that are in them. There is nothing to compare with freshly made meals with the finest ingredients that can be bought. The taste is like nothing like you would get in any fast food restaurant.

How many times have you bought something in a can that tastes anything like what it would taste like, if you were to start from scratch? NEVER! I am a stay at home Mom and I make most of my meals from scratch. My family hates it when I buy a meal that only takes a few minutes to prepare, but it is sometimes necessary, if I have been really busy that day.

I bought a tray of lasagna one day for my family; I was really busy around the house and did not have time to prepare a big meal. When I served it to my family, they did not eat too much of it, they said that it tasted like crap. That statement was not there to offend anyone that is only one family’s opinion. There are a lot of people that eat this type of food all the time; therefore, they think it is very good.

There are many families that eat fast food all the time. I wonder if they know what it is to have a meal cooked from scratch. Take a stew, for instance, it’s made from so many different vegetables and beef or chicken broth. To make this stew you have to start early in the day, and let it simmer throughout the day so the ingredients can blend into one another. This is what makes it taste so good.

If you buy a can of stew, it is made in bulk and done so fast that the ingredients do not have the time to blend, therefore, the stew is bland, with hardly any taste at all. I know there are millions of people that prefer the fast foods that are on the market today, but for me, and my family, we prefer the homemade meals that take time to prepare.

Now, speaking of fast food restaurants, these again are foods that are made in large quantities in a short period of time, and I have to wonder just how good for you, they really are. It takes time for the flavor to seep through each ingredient in order for them to taste the taste that I would like to eat.

Fast food in alright in some cases, but, in the long run, home cooked meals is always the best way to go, if you want the quality of food you would like to serve your family. Some people that were raised on fast foods, would probably not like the foods that are created from individual ingredients that are good for them, but that is the way our world is going, everything is in fast forward.