A fast food observation

Please Boycott Fast Food

After three years of working in fast food, I have decided to boycott the industry. If people knew the truth, they would agree with my educated decision. Below are the reasons why people should not support the fast food industry.

First of all, no standard for quality exists. While a few restaurants may serve delicious food, the majority of them purchase the most inexpensive, lowest grade food possible. By giving us practically dog food, these companies maximize their profits. To increase profits even more, employees keep expired food, unless if it seriously endangers their customers’ health. Even though many companies make food after customers order it, the food still sits on the counters for hours. If you kept food on your counter for hours would you consider it fresh?

The quantity is a joke. One fast food chain literally puts a tablespoon of meat and a pinch of cheese on its products. The hamburger buns and tortillas create an illusion of feeling full. Please do not let these deceiving companies fool you. Fast food is inexpensive because they cut costs by barely giving you food, if you can call it food.

To kill all the germs on your hands, one must lather them for twenty seconds. How many times have you seen an employee wash their hands in only five seconds? Soap still clings to your hands after five seconds. Also, while making food, employees may go hours before washing their hands again. To employees, hand washing becomes a nuisance. Imagine washing your hands over 1,000 times a month. Another sanitation destructor is the innumerable flies, which enter restaurants in the summertime. Please think of the high probability that your dinner contains germs, soap residue, and fly feces. Yummy!

Most of these companies treat their workers as ants, unimportant and replaceable. They pay their employees minimum wage-the minimum needed to survive (if you have no children, at least). Minimum wage barely provided me, a single male, enough money for shelter and food. These employees cannot afford luxuries, like cars and health insurance. If the millionaire franchise owners offered ridiculous things, such as health insurance and paid-vacations, they might have to purchase a smaller vacation home. I would, however, like to tell you that McDonalds does offer paid-vacation and health-insurance. Unfortunately, most companies do not. Next time you eat at fast food, please think if the cashier can feed her own children.

I do not understand why customers put up with the poor customer service. Here is an inside secret, THEY DISLIKE CUSTOMERS. Employees begin to resent customers and complain of their stupidity, rudeness, and slowness. In fast food, the customers are expected to be fast. The drive-thru runs on a timer. When a car sits there, after they receive their food, it makes the timer run. When you eat in the lobby, have you heard a loud, annoying beep? That beep tells them to hurry, or else. Or else, the mangers threaten their jobs. By the way, do not make an employee angry. Otherwise, you might receive smashed food, no napkins, or even violated food. Employees view customers as a permanent, ugly, pus-filled boil on their faces.

Experiencing fast food first hand has made me resent the industry. The customers help them survive. So they can continue to give you unhealthy food with bad service. I would rather take five minutes and make myself a sandwich. I know my sandwich does not have fly feces on it.